Date conversion or interpretation functions
Qlikview is able to automatically interpret dates that match
te format set in your PC locale, or in the the Qlikview environment variables
(usually automatically added to the start of the script in a new document)
Set TimeFormat='hh:mm:ss';
Set DateFormat='YYYY/MM/DD';
Set TimestampFormat='YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss[.fff]';
Set DateFormat='YYYY/MM/DD';
Set TimestampFormat='YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss[.fff]';
However, the date and
time values in your source systems are frequently in a different format. This
is where the date interpretation functions come in:
- Date#(stringvalue[, format])
- Time#(stringvalue[, format])
- Timestamp#(stringvalue[, format])
- Interval#(stringvalue[, format])
‘YYYYMMDD’) As DateField,
The interpretation functions only affect the numeric value
of the dual. The above expression will return the correct numeric value, but
the text format will still be YYYYMMDD format, as this what Qlikview inferred
as the correct format from the first record. If you would like to corrrectly
interpret the date and format it on the default format for you
environment/locale, them combine the interpretation function with the relevamt
formatting function, like this:
As DateField,
Date(Date#(‘YYYYMMDD’), ‘D MMM YYYY’) As DateField2,
Date(Date#(‘YYYYMMDD’), ‘D MMM YYYY’) As DateField2,
The first will produce a date formatted in the default date format and the second in D MMM YYYY format.
Hopefully this post and the previous one helps you to understand how to use the date/time format and
interpretation functions.